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19:49, 14 August 2024 Slice lensing vFeb2024.png (file) 183 KB CIB intensity, the corresponding lensing potential kernels, as well as the RMS deflection for each redshift shell ($\Delta z = 0.2$) within our Websky CIB model. The CIB intensity increases from $z = 0$ to $z = 1.4$, peaks around $z = 1.4$ to $1.6$, then decreases until it is almost non-existent by $z = 4$. The lensing kernels, defined as $W_{z_i^{\text{src}}}^{\kappa} = \frac{3}{2} \Omega_m H_0 ^2 \frac{1+z}{H(z)}\chi(z) \big[ \frac{\chi(z_i^{\text{src}})-\chi(z)}{\chi(z_i^{\text{src}})}\big... 1
19:49, 14 August 2024 Deck of cards v5.png (file) 4.15 MB A patch of unlensed CIB and its corresponding lensing convergence for each redshift shell $\Delta z = 0.2$. In our simulations, each unlensed CIB shell is lensed by a convergence shell to create lensed CIB shells, which are then summed up to produce the total lensed CIB map. This method mitigates the `self-lensing' effect substantially. Note that the CIB intensity visibly thins out by $z = 3$, while the integrated lensing convergence becomes brighter at higher redshifts. 1
19:50, 14 August 2024 Animation.gif (file) 182 KB HealPix maps of unlensed, deflected (no magnification), and lensed CIB for a small ($0.5^\circ \times 0.5^\circ$) patch of sky centered on $z = 1.1$. Here, a ``lensed'' galaxy has both been deflected and has had its flux density magnified appropriately. The arrows denote the direction and magnitude of deflection. The light circled patch (Unlensed and Deflected) and the dark circled patch (Deflected and Lensed) are the same small patch of sky emphasized. One can clearly see the deflection by c... 1
19:52, 14 August 2024 Websky vs Planck unlensed fluxcut mean no err Feb2024.png (file) 102 KB Statistics of the unlensed CIB maps from the Websky simulations at the three \textit{Planck} frequencies; top (blue) is 545 GHz, middle (green) is 353 GHz, and bottom (red) is 217 GHz. As we go to higher-order statistics, the Poisson regime becomes more evident as the spectra flatten out at $\ell > 1000$. We note that the Websky bispectra are mostly within \textit{Planck} error bars even though only the power spectra were fit to match those of \textit{Planck's}. While we do not plot the error... 1
19:52, 14 August 2024 Unlensed vs no kapmax with gamma smoothed all freq fluxcut Planck mean Feb2024.png (file) 89 KB The effect of gravitational lensing on CIB statistics using lensing convergence maps smoothed at the pixel level. While the power spectra are changed by less than 2\% for all three frequencies, the bispectra and kurtosis change by 10 to 40\% at low $\ell.$ The apparent discrepancy between frequencies for the bispectra and kurtosis arises due to the relatively high flux cut values for \textit{Planck} at lower frequencies. 1
19:52, 14 August 2024 Websky vs Planck with gamma lensed bl all ebars Feb2024.png (file) 41 KB Comparison of unlensed and lensed Websky bispectra with \textit{Planck} measurements. Points are computed at the same set of central $\ell$ values but are horizontally offset for clarity. The lensed values are slightly larger than unlensed values and hence closer to \textit{Planck} values. 1