Jan 13, 2020

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Combining stacks of different redshifts

I've written a program to take the stacks of clusters in different 200Mpc slices, resize them all to the same physical size, and stack them. Below are plots showing the stack from one slice, then adding the stacks from each successively more distant slice. This combination helps to bring out the signal. These were all done using the combined CMASS and Redmagic galaxy maps for orientation, at an ~18 Mpc smoothing scale, with the ellipticity 0 < e < 2 (more written on the ellipticity later).

1032 to 2232 Mpc stacked cmassredmagic 17pt8Mpc smth hess 570cls bins1.png 1032 to 2232 Mpc stacked cmassredmagic 17pt8Mpc smth hess 1140cls bins12.png 1032 to 2232 Mpc stacked cmassredmagic 17pt8Mpc smth hess 1710cls bins123.png 1032 to 2232 Mpc stacked cmassredmagic 17pt8Mpc smth hess 2280cls bins1234.png 1032 to 2232 Mpc stacked cmassredmagic 17pt8Mpc smth hess 2850cls bins12345.png

Importance of including Redmagic galaxies

Given Bhuvnesh's warning about how the Redmagic galaxy sample is difficult to mock, we had been wondering if it is possible to do this project with orientations given by the CMASS galaxy field alone. So, I tested stacks at various smoothing scales