Apr 19th, 2020 - CIB Lensing: Maps & Statistics

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Here, I show the effect of weak-lensing on the maps, as well as some basic characteristics of the maps. As we have seen with the old version of maps, 'lenspix' causes a substantial amount of pixels to become negative - I will explore the impact of the effect on the next post. 

Maps (lensed by total [math]\displaystyle{  \kappa  }[/math])
FullSky Lensing 0419.gif 
5deg Lensing 0419.gif 1deg Lensing 0419.gif
Map Characteristics
Unlensed Lensed (total) Lensed (field-only) Lensed (halo-only)
Max values (MJy/sr) 6.408424 (= 400 mJy) 6.408424 6.408424 6.408424
Min values (MJy/sr) 0.000000 -0.394870 -0.391796 -0.421715
# of pixels smaller than 0 0 3834246 3841808 2942385
Mean 0.317096 0.317329 0.317523 0.317467
Variance 0.050519 0.040714 0.040736 0.040718
Skewness 2.378954 2.428554 2.425379 2.531022
Kurtosis 24.764697 35.934237 35.901710 36.194444