Aug 26, 2021 - Check final kappa maps

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As in Nov 1, 2018 - Check kappa power spectra, we compare power spectra of the kappa maps from George's sims (final version) against theoretical expectations from CAMB.

Here is the comparison for the lowest redshift cell (the other ones are better than this)

Pavel kappa camb comparison zs 0.2.png

We also looked at the kappa map at z = 1.3 and checked how many hot pixels (kappa > 0.1) are there in neighborhood of other hot pixels. We would expect most of them are alone (i.e. no hot neighbors), but there are clusters of hot pixels in the map:

Pavel hot neighbors of hot pixel thr 0p1 z 1p3.png

Repeating the same with higher threshold (kappa > 0.3) shows that here we really are in the situation where the hot pixels are mostly alone, but exceptions exist:

Pavel hot neighbors of hot pixel thr 0p3 z 1p3.png