Feb 24th, 2020 - Exploring the Stochasticity of Websky CIB Maps - II: Halo & Galaxy Levels

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As a follow up of the previous post - https://mocks.cita.utoronto.ca/index.php/Feb_7th,_2020_-_Exploring_the_Stochasticity_of_Websky_CIB_Maps_-_I:_Pixel-Level, I ran the 'halo2fluxmap' code by adding a line in the "makemaps.py" file to induce stochastic effects (by multiplying the fluxes by exp(sigma_lnL*GRD)) at the halo/galaxy-level for 3 different cases: (GRD = Gaussian Random Deviate)
1. variation of [math]\displaystyle{  \sigma_{\ln L} = \sigma_{\ln L_{\text{cen}}} = \sigma_{\ln L_{\text{sat}}}  }[/math] 
2. [math]\displaystyle{  \sigma_{\ln L_{\text{cen}}} = 0.5  }[/math], variation of [math]\displaystyle{  \sigma_{\ln L_{\text{sat}}}  }[/math] 
3. [math]\displaystyle{  \sigma_{\ln L_{\text{sat}}} = 0.5  }[/math], variation of [math]\displaystyle{  \sigma_{\ln L_{\text{cen}}}  }[/math] 

Case 1: [math]\displaystyle{ \sigma_{\ln L} = \sigma_{\ln L_{\text{cen}}} = \sigma_{\ln L_{\text{sat}}} }[/math] = (0.3, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8)

[math]\displaystyle{  C_{\ell}  }[/math] (left) and [math]\displaystyle{  b_{\ell\ell\ell}  }[/math] (right)
Cl comp grd 0224.png Bl comp grd 0224.png
 Ratios (Stochastic/Websky): [math]\displaystyle{  C_{\ell}  }[/math], [math]\displaystyle{  b_{\ell\ell\ell}  }[/math], [math]\displaystyle{  b_{\ell\ell\ell}  }[/math] zoomed in
Cl comp grd ratio 0224.png
Bl comp grd ratio 0224.png Bl comp grd ratio zoomed 0224.png

As in the previous post, the stochasiticity-induced maps have higher values of the 2-point and 3-point correlation statistics than the original Websky for all values of [math]\displaystyle{ \sigma_{\ln L} }[/math], and the effects on the bispectra are larger. Compared to stochastic effects induced at the pixel-level, the impact on both the power spectrum and bispectrum is much larger when halo-level stochasticity is induced for equal [math]\displaystyle{ \sigma_{\ln L} }[/math].

For example, at [math]\displaystyle{ \sigma_{\ln L} = 0.5 }[/math], the pixel-level stochasticity causes a 20% increase for [math]\displaystyle{ C_{\ell} }[/math] and a 40% increase for [math]\displaystyle{ b_{\ell\ell\ell} }[/math], while halo-level stochasticity causes a 50% increase for [math]\displaystyle{ C_{\ell} }[/math] and a 150% increase for [math]\displaystyle{ b_{\ell\ell\ell} }[/math] at high [math]\displaystyle{ \ell }[/math].

At high [math]\displaystyle{ \ell }[/math], we see that the ratios (to the original Websky) vary from 1.2 to 3 for [math]\displaystyle{ C_{\ell} }[/math] while they vary from 1.5 to ~13 for [math]\displaystyle{ b_{\ell\ell\ell} }[/math].

Case 2: [math]\displaystyle{ \sigma_{\ln L_{\text{cen}}} = 0.5 }[/math], [math]\displaystyle{ \sigma_{\ln L_{\text{sat}}} }[/math] = (0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.8)

[math]\displaystyle{  C_{\ell}  }[/math] (left) and [math]\displaystyle{  b_{\ell\ell\ell}  }[/math] (right)
Cl comp grd difsat 0224.png Bl comp grd difsat 0224.png
 Ratios (Stochastic/Websky): [math]\displaystyle{  C_{\ell}  }[/math], [math]\displaystyle{  C_{\ell}  }[/math] zoomed in, [math]\displaystyle{  b_{\ell\ell\ell}  }[/math], [math]\displaystyle{  b_{\ell\ell\ell}  }[/math] zoomed in
Cl comp grd ratio difsat 0224.png Cl comp grd ratio zoomed difsat 0224.png
Bl comp grd ratio difsat 0224.png Bl comp grd ratio zoomed difsat 0224.png
Here, I have fixed [math]\displaystyle{  \sigma_{\ln L_{\text{cen}}} = 0.5  }[/math] to see the effects on the spectra when [math]\displaystyle{  \sigma_{\ln L_{\text{sat}}}  }[/math] change. At high [math]\displaystyle{  \ell  }[/math], we see that the ratios (to the original Websky) vary from 1.35 to 1.85 for [math]\displaystyle{  C_{\ell}  }[/math] while they vary from 2.3 to ~5 for [math]\displaystyle{  b_{\ell\ell\ell}  }[/math]. 
A takeaway is that inducing stochasticity on only the satellites have a substantial effect, especially on the bispectra. 

Case 3: [math]\displaystyle{ \sigma_{\ln L_{\text{sat}}} = 0.5 }[/math], [math]\displaystyle{ \sigma_{\ln L_{\text{cen}}} }[/math] = (0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.8)

[math]\displaystyle{  C_{\ell}  }[/math] (left) and [math]\displaystyle{  b_{\ell\ell\ell}  }[/math] (right)
Cl comp grd difcen 0224.png Bl comp grd difcen 0224.png
 Ratios (Stochastic/Websky): [math]\displaystyle{  C_{\ell}  }[/math], [math]\displaystyle{  b_{\ell\ell\ell}  }[/math], [math]\displaystyle{  b_{\ell\ell\ell}  }[/math] zoomed in
Cl comp grd ratio difcen 0224.png 
Bl comp grd ratio difcen 0224.png Bl comp grd ratio zoomed difcen 0224.png
Here, I have fixed [math]\displaystyle{  \sigma_{\ln L_{\text{sat}}} = 0.5  }[/math] to see the effects on the spectra when [math]\displaystyle{  \sigma_{\ln L_{\text{cen}}}  }[/math] change. At high [math]\displaystyle{  \ell  }[/math], we see that the ratios (to the original Websky) vary from 1.2 to 2.7 for [math]\displaystyle{  C_{\ell}  }[/math] while they vary from 1.5 to ~ 10 for [math]\displaystyle{  b_{\ell\ell\ell}  }[/math]. 
The changes in both [math]\displaystyle{  C_{\ell}  }[/math] and math> b_{\ell\ell\ell} </math> are smaller compared to case 1, but they remain quite large. 
It seems to be safe to say that stochasticity induced on both the halo and central/satellite galaxy - levels affect the bispectra considerably more than than the power spectra - an interesting thing to explore would be to fine-tune [math]\displaystyle{  \sigma_{\ln L_{\text{sat}}}  }[/math], [math]\displaystyle{  \sigma_{\ln L_{\text{cen}}}  }[/math], and [math]\displaystyle{  \bar{L}(M_{\text{gal}}, z)  }[/math] to achieve the same power spectra as the Websky maps, but different (higher) bispectra. Even more interesting would be if this can be achieved for different frequency CIB maps.