Jan 9, 2019 - Basic Gaussian filtering (revised)

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I took the statistics (variance, skewness, kurtosis) of the difference maps and plotted it against the band centres.

1. unlensed total CIB map, number of bands = 6 (fwhm of Gaussian beam defined as multiples of: 2pi/(6144/6))


There are only five points because I did not add the values for the first band centre. (They are added in the subsequent plots)

2. unlensed total CIB map, number of bands = 16 (fwhm of Gaussian beam defined as multiples of: 2pi/(6144/16))

Var16.pngSkew16.pngKurt ul.png

3. lensed total CIB map, number of bands = 16 (fwhm of Gaussian beam defined as multiples of: 2pi/(6144/16))

Lensed var16.pngLensed skew16.pngKurt l.png

I zoomed in a bit on the variance plot. The kurtosis seem to increase as l_centre ~ kurt^(0.5 to 1). Increasing the number of bands seems to increase precision, while the lensing affects the results enough to be seen by eye (especially for the skewness).