July 14th, 2019 - CIB Smoothing: Iterations

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Yesterday, Pavel mentioned that it is odd that smoothing the CIB with 12" and 5" beams seems to have almost the same effects. Thus, I tried smoothing the two maps with different iterations (healpy.smoothing has a parameter called 'iter', where the number of iterations can be changed).

Histograms (Left: 12", Right: 5")

Iter 12s hist.png Iter 5s hist.png

It is hard to see any difference between the iter = 3 - smoothed maps and iter = 1 - smoothed maps.

Histogram Differences

I tried plotting the differences between the two histograms (iter = 3 - iter = 1)

12s dif hist.png 5s dif hist.png

Histogram Fractional Differences

Here are the fractional differences of the histograms.

12s fd.png 5s fd.png

While they fluctuate around zero for both, the fractional differences are clearly non-zero and become larger as [math]\displaystyle{ \ell }[/math] increase.


1. lon = [0, 0.5], lat = [0, 0.5], min = 0.1, max = 0.8


12s it3 cart.png 12s it1 cart.png


5s it3 cart.png 5s it1 cart.png

Again, it is impossible to see the difference in the maps with the given parameters.

2. lon = [-75.5, -75], lat = [-75.5, -75], min = 0.3, max = 0.4


12s it3 cart -75 s.png 12s it1 cart -75 s.png


5s it1 cart -75 s.png 5s it1 cart -75 s.png

When the parameters are set differently however, (by changing the min and max in particular) we see that all four maps are slightly different.


Although changing the number of iterations change the smoothing noticeably (presumably on the 3-point function as well), this effect seems to be quite small to give clues on differentiating the 12" smoothed and 5" smoothed maps.