July 7th, 2019 - CIB Lensing: Basic Analysis II (Plots)

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I am putting up some basic plots regarding the statistics of the total CIB, lensed CIB, and kappa maps. The projection effect by 'lenspix' needs to be investigated further, so for now I am taking the CIB lensed with null kappa maps as the unlensed CIB (labeled lensed null). Subsequent analyses such as contribution to a specific statistic by shell will be made later.

Histgrams (Left: unlensed/lensed CIB Right: kappa)

Lensing hist.png Kappa hist.png

The lensed null and lensed histograms are almost identical.

Power Spectra

Lensing cl.png Kappa Cl.png

Lensing fd null.png

As expected, the power spectrum does not change due to lensing; the mean fractional difference is 0.04%.

3-point functions

Bl Comp null.png Kappa bl.png

Bl Comp lensing fd.png Kappa bl log.png

While [math]\displaystyle{ b_{\ell} }[/math] changes little on average as well (0.24%), it seems that lensing at least affects the [math]\displaystyle{ b_{\ell} }[/math] at low [math]\displaystyle{ \ell }[/math].

4th Moments

4th moment null.png Kappa 4th.png

4th lensing.png

The 4th moment barely changes at all due to lensing on average (-0.01%); there seems to be no relevance between the fractional difference and [math]\displaystyle{ \ell }[/math].

I will be looking into how to accurately calculate the effect of lensing on the statistics, as we cannot simply assume that the lensed null is the exact same as the unlensed CIB map.