June 1st, 2020 - CIB Lensing: Differences Caused by Cosmological Parameters - Plots for Meeting

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Map Characteristics:

Min values of maps (wiki, added original, added Planck 2018 cosmology): 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000
# of pixels smaller than 0 in each map (wiki, added original, added Planck 2018 cosmology): 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000
Max values of maps (wiki, added original, added Planck 2018 cosmology): 6.408424, 6.408424, 6.408424
Means of maps (wiki, added original, added Planck 2018 cosmology): 0.317515, 0.317519, 0.317567
Variances of maps (wiki, added original, added Planck 2018 cosmology): 0.042337, 0.042380, 0.039738
Skewnesses of maps (wiki, added original, added Planck 2018 cosmology): 4.322410, 4.346663, 4.231459
Kurtosises of maps (wiki, added original, added Planck 2018 cosmology): 84.045944, 84.761456, 84.967314
 Cosmological Parameters
Map Characteristics
Original Planck 2018
[math]\displaystyle{ H_0 }[/math] (km/s/Mpc) 70 68
[math]\displaystyle{ \Omega_b }[/math] 0.043 0.049
[math]\displaystyle{ \Omega_c }[/math] 0.207 0.26
[math]\displaystyle{ \Omega_l }[/math] 0.75 0.69
Scalar Index 0.96 0.965
[math]\displaystyle{ \sigma_8 }[/math] 0.8 0.81


Shell added cosmology difference.png 
Power Spectra
Planck cl sanity 545GHz.png Planck cl fd 545GHz.png 
n-point statistics (2, 3, 4-points)
Cosmology difference sigma sanity ratio.png Cosmology difference bl sanity ratio.png Cosmology difference kurt sanity ratio.png

Cosmology difference bl sanity.png