June 29th, 2020 - CIB Lensing: Lenspix - Deflection and Smoothing

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Because we were seeing negative pixels in lensed CIB maps produced by 'lenspix,' I tried simulating the lensing by deflecting the 
3 versions of Deflected maps

Map Characteristics
Unlensed Lensed (Euclidean) Lensed (Right) Lensed (Lewis) Lensed (Lenspix)
Max values (MJy/sr) 6.408424 (= 400 mJy) 6.408424 6.408424 6.408424 6.408424
Min values (MJy/sr) 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 -0.322438
# of pixels smaller than 0 0 0 0 0 1477969
Mean 0.3179518 0.3179518 0.3179518 0.3179518 0.3180850
Variance 0.0331789 0.0321213 0.0320472 0.0264728
Skewness 1.720313 1.740189 1.742209 1.776150
Kurtosis 23.366768 24.801155 24.912688 35.614250

Unlensed vs lenspix.png Unlensed vs deflected.png

Maps (lensed by total [math]\displaystyle{ \kappa }[/math])

Longitude [0, 1] Latitude [0, 1] (Euclidean, Right Triangle, Lewis Equation)

Euclid lon0lat0.gif Right lon0lat0.gif Lewis lon0lat0.gif 

Longitude [264, 265] Latitude [-20, -19] (Euclidean, Right Triangle, Lewis Equation)

Euclid lon264lat-20.gif Right lon264lat-20.gif Lewis lon264lat-20.gif 

Longitude [220, 221] Latitude [60, 61] (Euclidean, Right Triangle, Lewis Equation)

Euclid lon220lat60.gif Right lon220lat60.gif Lewis lon220lat60.gif 

Longitude [44, 45] Latitude [-80, -79] (Euclidean, Right Triangle, Lewis Equation)

Euclid lon44lat-80.gif Right lon44lat-80.gif Lewis lon44lat-80.gif