May 18, 2019 - Statistics of the new CIB maps

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George completely redid the CIB maps. At the moment we are still waiting for the kappa maps, so only the unlensed CIB is available.

Basic statistics

The histogram of the pixel values is below. The weird first bin at the beginning includes pixels without any signal (zeros do not play well with log).

Pavel 01 histogram.png

The map of the log values is presented here:

Pavel 01 map of 545 cib.png

The power spectrum is here, the two figures differ in having x axis linear/log. The first one agrees with Jason, the second one allows us to gauge how well high ell can be approximated by constant [math]\displaystyle{ C_\ell }[/math].

Pavel 01 power spectrum log.png Pavel 01 power spectrum.png

Top hat filters

After binning everything with top hat filters with [math]\displaystyle{ \Delta \ell = 200 }[/math], we get variance

Pavel 02b variance.png

and skewness (both not-normalized and normalized by variance)

Pavel 02b skew.png Pavel 02b skew normalized.png

What is positive now is that the normalized skewness goes to a constant, which presumably is the Poisson limit. We compared figures with Jason and they look comparable (now he switched to [math]\displaystyle{ \Delta \ell = 400 }[/math] binning). Based on his results up to higher [math]\displaystyle{ \ell }[/math], artifacts start to creep into the results at around ell of 7000. Relatedly, some of the high ell numbers in Jason's earlier posts are affected by NSIDE effects.

Finally, the normalized kurtosis is not quite flat, but not varying super wildly either

Pavel 02b kurt normalized.png