May 18, 2021 - Lensing through deflections, first results

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Compare lensed

We finally got pictures. They look decent.

Unlensed Sample B unl shell 1.png

Deflection lensing Sample B pavel lensed shell 1.png

Lenspix lensing Sample B jason lensed shell 1.png

Both lensing seems to shift stuff to the right by comparable amounts. Naturally, the deflection lensing is sharper.


Jason pointed out there are plenty of pixels with large magnification. We checked and indeed, as we go to higher and higher redshifts, the fraction of pixels with large magnifications increases.

Kappa 0p3.png

Kappa 0p1.png

This is which shells CIB is mostly coming from

Cib from shells.png

So indeed, maybe 2% of the pixels have convergence larger than 0.1.

And just for fun this is maximal deflection as function of the shell - sub degree


Jason suggests we should then magnify by [math]\displaystyle{ \frac{1}{(1-\kappa)^2} }[/math] instead of [math]\displaystyle{ 1+ 2 \kappa }[/math]. For reference, it turns out that the full magnification also includes shear, [math]\displaystyle{ \frac{1}{(1-\kappa)^2 - \gamma^2} }[/math].