May 28, 2019 - Resolving the discrepancy with theory skewness

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In the previous post we found out, that the top-hat filtered skewness from George's CIB map does not agree with theoretical expectation based on randomly distributed galaxies. Two major possibilities are

  • clustering of the galaxies between the pixels - can be probed by randomly shuffling pixels around
  • clustering of the galaxies within the pixel - can be probed by randomly placing galaxies with fluxes as in George's catalogue

The results are showing that shuffling pixels does not help. However, it seems like there is an indication of clustering within the pixel.

04b mix pixels skew.png

However, a bit puzzling is that the distribution of pixel values is (at the high end relevant for bispectrum) comparable between the George's map and the map where galaxies are distributed randomly.

Pavel 05b histogram.png

Finally, for completeness we compare here the power spectrum of the last two maps

Pavel 05b power spectrum.png