May 4th, 2020 - CIB Lensing: Scrambled vs. Original (Field Contribution)

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Here, I show the contribution of field [math]\displaystyle{  \kappa  }[/math] lensing to the change in statistics induced by lensing in comparison to total (field + halo) lensing. I also show the same for a (catalog-) scrambled version of the CIB. 

Scrambled vs. Original (Sanity Check) 2-point, 3-point, and 4-point

Original vs scrambled sigma 200.png Original vs scrambled bl 200.png Original vs scrambled kurt 200.png
Unlensed vs lensed sigma dif ratio 200.png Unlensed vs lensed bl dif ratio 200.png Unlensed vs lensed kurt dif ratio 200.png
Unlensed vs lensed sigma dif ratio 200 scrambled.png Unlensed vs lensed bl dif ratio 200 scrambled.png Unlensed vs lensed kurt dif ratio 200 scrambled.png