Oct 29, 2018 - Deciphering what Remi did

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Here we summarize what we have learnt from going through Remi's folders. We start with his scratch folder.


Marcelo's code to generate maps. There are some changes in the code not committed to git


Alex's delensing code, Remi added a single script to do theory delensing


Lous's modification to Lenspix. In terms of the lenspix code, only changes SimLens to not generate random lensing potential, but read it in from an input file. There are additional scripts:

kappa2phi - create a phi map from a kappa map

analytic_sim_compare - compare against theoretical results

lens.py - call python script, giving parameters through arguments. Convert maps to alm, kappa to phi, create a parameter file and run the modified lenspix

make_diff_interp.sh - make lensed maps with different interpolation factors


similar to the previous one, this one has older files


contains CIB (mostly old folders, some files from July), CMB (random files, some old, some new), Mollview* (empty), Plot (empty), simulations-CIB (two plots), test_lensing (old files and empty folders), test_zerolens (empty)


There is another copy of cal-sky, but I do not have permission to this one. In any case, it looks like Remi was running the other version to get the maps anyways.

Script make_maps - takes in Alex Lague's results and uses cal-sky to produce kappa and CIB field maps in the maps folder

Script make_lensing - weird script with hard coded numbers

Folders with maps, these seem to be oldest maps Remi has


Script make_maps - now using density and flux in this folder, not Alex Lague's (also different boxsize)

File param - tells us about the fiducial cosmology

Script make_lensing - generate lensing maps

Folders with maps - CIB and kappa produced on August 24th, has both fields and halos (not clear where these are coming from). There are no lensed maps.


In Remi's home folder, there are scripts he is using, at least some of them. Looking at the files, Remy clearly erased some of the files necessary to reproduce his plots, making some of his results uncheckable (ie June 05 wiki post).