Oct 31, 2018 - Statistics of George's maps

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George produced CIB and kappa maps, with shells in comoving distance, with 20 equally spaced shells from chi=0 to chi=8000 (z=4.6).

The maps can be found at /scratch/r/rbond/gstein/peak-patch-runs/current/jason_cib_lensing/maps/

We looked into the auto and cross spectra (the cross-correlation part of the figure updated Nov 8th):

Pavel 02 power spectra.png


  • CIB at small scales gets most of the contributions from intermediate redshift; at large scales nearest structures contribute (both expected properties)
  • CIB power is mostly featurless, which means that the lensing effects will likely not be very pronounced
  • There is a almost no cross-correlation [previously we claimed there was a notable cross-correlation, but that was due to a bug]
  • Kappa power grows with z, which makes sense