Sep 01, 2021 - Thresholding kappa

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We repeat the analysis from yesterday, only at the beginning we replace all kappa pixels above 0.1 (resp 0.3) with 0.1 (resp 0.3) and see how the effect of lensing on variance/skewness/curtosis change. For Planck flux threshold, full magnification.

Kappamax variance 217.png Kappamax skewness 217.png Kappamax curtosis 217.png

Kappamax variance 353.png Kappamax skewness 353.png Kappamax curtosis 353.png

Kappamax variance 545.png Kappamax skewness 545.png Kappamax curtosis 545.png

We clearly see that restricting maximal values of kappa in the positive kappa tail decrease the effects of lensing significantly.