Apr 19th, 2020 - CIB Lensing: Histograms & Negative Pixels

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In the previous post (https://mocks.cita.utoronto.ca/index.php/Apr_19th,_2020_-_CIB_Lensing:_Maps_%26_Statistics), I mentioned that 'lenspix' turns a fraction of the originally 0 or above pixels negative (about 1 ~ 2% of the total number of pixels in a NSIDE 4096 map). I first show what the distribution of flux values look like (histograms). As it is impossible to have negative flux values in reality, I set all the negative values to 0 in the lensed maps, then calculated the difference as well as the effect of lensing on the 2, 3, 4-point functions in this case. 
Unlensed vs lensed total hist 0419.png Unlensed vs lensed field hist 0419.png Unlensed vs lensed halo hist 0419.png  
The histogram of the lensed by total [math]\displaystyle{  \kappa  }[/math] map seem to resemble the field-lensed map very closely. (Of course, the halo-kappa isn't the full halo version, there's a correction so that the field + halo is actually the total [math]\displaystyle{  \kappa  }[/math].)
Change of n-point statistics when negative pixels are set to zero
Lensed sigma neg ratio 12000.png Lensed bl neg ratio 12000.png Lensed kurt neg ratio 12000.png  
The negative pixels do have an effect on the n-point statistics, but there does not seem to be any similarities between the 2, 3, and 4 points. 
 Unlensed vs. Lensed (no negative pixels) 
Unlensed vs lensed sigma total ratio 12000.png Unlensed vs lensed bl total ratio 12000.png Unlensed vs lensed kurt total ratio 12000.png  
My hope was that setting negative pixels to 0 would make the effect of lensing on various n-point functions more plausible; there isn't much difference on the 3-point and 4-point at [math]\displaystyle{  \ell \lt  8000  }[/math], before where the n-side effect should kick in. 
The variance vs. [math]\displaystyle{  \ell  }[/math] plot does not look plausible at all if we think the mean change in [math]\displaystyle{  C_{\ell}  }[/math] by lensing should be zero. 
So for now, I will keep the negative pixels until I have better understanding of this. 

 N-side effect? 
Unlensed vs lensed bl total 12000.png
In the 3-point and 4-point plots above, there's a definite change as [math]\displaystyle{  \ell  }[/math] goes over 8000 (or 2/3 of the [math]\displaystyle{  \ell_{max}  }[/math]), and this effect seems to mess up the 3-point in particular, quite drastically. In the next post, I will be discussing this effect (as well as the [math]\displaystyle{  C_{\ell}  }[/math] conservation law).