Pavel Logbook

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Pavel's notes about CIB lensing

Jan 27, 2022 - Considering shear

Sep 09, 2021 - Effects of lensing with smooth kappa

Sep 09, 2021 - Smoothed kappa maps

Sep 02, 2021 - Cut on galaxy level

Sep 01, 2021 - Thresholding kappa

Aug 30, 2021 - Effects of lensing on variance, skewness, curtosis

Aug 27, 2021 - Planck comparison

Aug 27, 2021 - Number of CIB hot pixels

Aug 26, 2021 - Check final kappa maps

May 18, 2021 - Lensing through deflections, first results

May 17, 2021 - Lensing through deflections, practical

May 13, 2021 - Lensing through deflections

Nov 4, 2019 - Looking at factor 3 in bispectra

May 28, 2019 - Resolving the discrepancy with theory skewness

May 21, 2019 - Using George's source catalog

May 20, 2019 - Bispectra of the Poisson field

May 18, 2019 - Statistics of Poisson fields - analytics

May 18, 2019 - Statistics of the new CIB maps

Mar 31, 2019 - Brightness temperature

Feb 5, 2019 - Dig into where Jason's skewness is coming from

Feb 4, 2019 - Extend the top hat filter with blunt edges to higher lmax

Jan 23, 2019 - Comparison of mine and Jason's filters

Jan 23, 2019 - Skewness and Kurtosis, top hat filter with blunt edges

Jan 22, 2019 - Using wrong map: Skewness and Kurtosis, top hat filter with blunt edges

Jan 21, 2019 - Using wrong map: Skewness and Kurtosis, top hat filter

Dec 13, 2018 - Resolving low redshift CIB

Nov 8, 2018 - Lensing effect on CIB power spectra

Nov 8, 2018 - Wrong: Lensing effect on CIB power spectra

Nov 1, 2018 - Check kappa power spectra

Oct 31, 2018 - Statistics of George's maps

Oct 29, 2018 - Deciphering what Remi did

Sep 19, 2018 - Installing software